My Life As A "Celebrity" Diner
So everybody has heard about "A" list and "B" list celebrities. Then years ago Kathy Griffin made light of this by proclaiming herself as a "D" list celebrity. But now the attention paid to "celebrities" has gotten so out of hand that people like myself have become borderline celebrities, which I'll refer as being on the celebrity "Z" list. I'm not sure what makes a celebrity in today's world, but there are celebrity doctors, celebrity dentists, and celebrity real estate brokers. We know about the celebrity houseguest from decades ago. A former co-worker has been described as a celebrity real estate developer. I wouldn't be surprised if there were celebrity plumbers and celebrity gardeners. Perhaps having been referred to as a "celebrity diner" might put me in a similar category, and having a next door neighbor who has won multiple Emmy awards and a backside neighbor who has been an Oscar nomin...